This LIFEBOOK is organized into chapters:
- LIFE at a Glance
- HIS and HER Childhood
- Growing Up (HIM and HER)
- Their Love Story
- Family of their Own
- Accomplishments
- Grandchildren
- Always and Forever
- This is Me (x2)
- From Our Point of View (x2)
- Words of Wisdom
- Thanks are Not Enough
- Words from family
- Words from freinds
A SLIP COVER (optional) $49
- Choose from a Leather or Buckram embossed text slipcase, a sophisticated finishing touch to your LIFEBOOK availaible in 14 colours (you will select the style and the colour after you see the proof of your book).
- It is embossed with the couple’s names and the book title, OURstory
- If you wish, we can proof-read and edit your answers, helping to assure that they flow from one to another and read more like a story.
- The cost for editing an 80 page book (approx. 10,000 words) is $125.
Login Details: Within 24 hours of purchase, you will receive an e-mail that will ask a few clarifying questions to better personalize your questionnaire. The following day you will receive a second e-mail and it will contain a link with login details and you will be able to access your questionnaire.
Questionnaire: I can take a few weeks to coordinate gathering all of the answers to the questions and to scan and upload the photos to be included in your book. Of course, you can take as much time as you wish on this stage. It is totally up to you.
Design, Proof, Printing, Delivery: This will take up to 20 business days from the time you submit your answers (up to 10 days for design, production, proofs and approvals, up to 10 days for printing and shipping). And yes, you will receive a final PROOF of your book prior to printing.